Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Lazy Day...

I woke up so tired this morning, I didn't even wanna get out of bed. For the past year or so I've had the luxury of being able to sleep in, and thankfully Monkey loves her sleep too! I love cuddling with her after she has come into my room looking to see if Daddy is at work already and when she discovers he's not she climbs in his spot.

Nowdays though I am up at 7am, which is ummm about 3 hours too early for me lol. But since I've started doing day care in my home I have to. I guess it's what I needed to get me motivated to get out of bed and doing something. Some days are real hard to do that. Those are the days my mind thinks too much.

I added everyone to my blog roll and OF COURSE my luck the computer froze up and I hadn't saved it yet. So bare with me BLOGSPOT MOMMIES! You will be there soon :)


Chris said...

I think I have gotten all of the BLOGSPOT MOMMIES added to my blog from the blog roll. I have read some interesting stuff. I look forward to reading more from you.

Angie Vinez said...

I LOVE sleep. LOL. Unfortunately, my 18 month old doesn't feel the same way. She's the one up at 5am - like clock work every day.

I, myself, could also sleep in until 10. I don't think I've done that since I had kids, though! :)

How's the in home day care going? I did that for YEARS and really loved it. Now I have too many of my own kids to do it!

Looking forward to reading more from you!!

TexasMomof3 said...

I still haven't added anyone yet because I get too caught up in reading LOL! I'm gonna though. I've considered becoming a listed child care provider. How is that working out for you? I'm already up at 6 though, so that wouldn't be a hard adjustment.

Debbie @ Three Weddings said...

The daycare will certainly keep you busy! Make sure you still take time for yourself, though. Rest during nap time and recharge. Don't spend it all cleaning or something goofy like that! Find yourself a good support group of other daycare providers you can talk with and vent with. It really helps. Feel free to contact me anytime. My e-mail is in my profile or you can contact me through Cafemom. I've had one for almost 5 years (although I'm closing it soon.)